Thursday, October 13, 2011

Five Minute Friday

I thought I would participate in Five Minute Friday from Gypsy Mama.

So here I GO!

I feel like I can't "catch" by breath lately.  That the world is spinning and I can't "catch" up.  I just don't know where to go or where to turn.  It is very overwhelming lately.  I fee like I am going two different directions.  It will calm down soon and all will be well.

I know that during these time that God is with me and that is my only comfort.  He is here to catch me when I am falling and when I feel like I am failing.  (which I feel like I am failing a lot lately) He will dust me off and pick me back up.  It is comforting to know that he will be there for me.  I just have to relax and trust knowing God is going to catch me.  (which it feels like he is having to do a lot of that lately) 

There are a lot of things I need to catch up on, laundry, cleaning, blogging, and lot of other things that I can't even think of right now.  It is crazy. I have been behind on a lot of things lately.  Hopefully I will get it caught up soon.

It was fun doing should try and join it over there. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Prayer time with the boys

Ever since the boys have been big enough we have had prayer time with them.  We go in and pray over then.  Now that they are big enough I have been trying to teach them to pray for themselves.  Usually, they say, "What should we say?" I tell them "Lets start with what you are thankful for?"  Then, we proceed with our request.  I am trying to teach them prayer is about having a conversation with God like they do me.  

Tonight was a precious moment with the boy.  Micah was thankful for a whole list of things, "Thankful for being good at school, for the trip to the farm, for having a good day." Then he said "I am Thankful for my trip to the pumpkin patch.  Which I haven't gone on yet."  Then he peeked up and look at me like is it okay I said that.  I replied, "It is always good to be thankful for things you haven't done yet."  It was just a moment that presented its self. 

Levi also went the normal stuff to be thankful for, then he said, "I am thankful for my friend Christian, and his baby (his has a little sister) and help him enjoy her. We are thankful for this baby."  He also told God. "You are awesome and cool!"  It was just a good night with the boys. 

I really enjoy these moments with them.  I love hearing their prayers and what they are thankful for.  

Friday, October 7, 2011

This and That

We have had some much going one lately especially things concerning doctors.  We went skating with the kids from church the other day, and Levi and I were skating together.  Before I knew it,  We had an accident and we had to take Levi to get his leg checked had. Thankfully, It wasn't broken.  Then, the same night, Micah caused a metal newspaper box to fall on his thumb and we had to rush to the ER.  It needed stitches and it was broken.  So we have followed up with Orthopedic Doctor, and everything is healing well.   Now Steve is is having to have surgery Monday on his knee.   I have seen more doctors than I care to lately. 

Micah and Levi are doing really well in school.  The other day Levi came home and told me, "I was on yellow today." Me "Why were you on yellow?" He said, "I pinched another kid."  Me "Why did you pinch another kid?" Levi "I don't know....I think the Devil made me do it!" Holding back my giggles, "The  Devil didn't make you do anything Levi.  You made the choice to do that.  You always have a choice." I think that "the devil made me do"  is something that a lot of christian parents hear.  I just thought it was so funny.  

I haven't been very good at writing the things down that they have said lately.  This makes me sad, because I know I have forgotten some of them. They, especially Levi, have gotten to where they ask questions all the time.  Some things I just don't know about, so I have to tell them ask Dad.  I love that they are so inquisitive because it means they want to learn. 

Steve had added preaching at Chaos (a local young adult and teen hang out) on Tuesday nights.  He is enjoying it.  He preached his first time last night.  The boys and I didn't go last night because they were extremely tired and need to go to bed early. Our schedule  had been very busy lately. 

I have signed up to be a designer for Celebrating Home.  I have one parting signed up and another possible one.  I am really excited about it.  I really hope and pray that this all works out for me to make extra money and help support the family.  If you would like to book a party and live close to me let me know and I will set it up.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Coming and Going

Do you ever feel like you meet yourself coming and going?  I have let that way lately.  We have been busy people.  I am not sure we were home one night all night long last week.  This week is shaping up to be the same.  This is okay, it makes life fun.

Next week is going to be fun, well not really.  Steve is going to have surgery on his knee he tore is ACL and a slight one to his meniscus. Would you guys please be praying for him.  I know it is not major surgery, but it is surgery on the less. We are just ready to be on the road to recovery.

Last weekend the boys and I were home alone, so we decided to have a mommy and sons day.  We went and watched a movie at the Discount Movie Theater. I love the discount movie theater. We all saw a movie for $6.00.  That is less than the price of one regular movie ticket.  We saw Cars 2, the boys had already seen it, but were willing to see it again with mommy.  Plus, they just love going to the movie.

We then went to Chick-Fil-A.  One of our favorite place.  They can play and mommy get food that she can enjoy.  I love the environment of it also, for the kids. After that, we went and got custard and went home.

I loved my day with the boys.  It was truly wonderful.  I am trying to cherish as much as I can because they are growing so fast.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

what to do what to do

There have been a lot of changes for my family in the past six months or so.  We have moved to a completely different state.  My husband is no longer the pastor, he is the youth pastor (probably the easiest of the change.  We love youth pastoring and we love the kids we get the privilege to youth pastor). Now, both of the boys are now in school.

The past six years my life has revolved around these two little boys.  I fed them, changed them, bathed them, and played with them.  I don't do much that they are involved in.  They are most of the time with us. We firmly believe that they are our kids and it is our job to raise them.  I have enjoyed them and have enjoyed my time with them.

Now, I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should continue to be a stay-at-home-mom, if I should go to work part-time, if I should go to work-full time, or if I should go back to school and finish my degree. I really don't know what to do.  I am praying about this and seeking God's Guidance on this.  I just feel so lost. I feel like I have no job skills any more because I have been out of the workforce for so long.  I just don't know!

So could you please be in prayer for me.  I need God to guide me on this decision.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I am the Queen

I am the queen of starting a weight loss program and never finishing it or completing it.  I have started P90X , Prism, and Wii fit (if that counts) and I have only lasted on all of them for a couple of months.  I really don't know what my deal.  Well, I am not sure if that is true or not.

One thing, I know for sure, is that I like self control and Discipline.  I wrote a blog post about it a while back here.

Second thing, I think, is that I haven't changed my mindset.  I still love all those bad foods.  I don't enjoy planning out meals and thinking about what I am putting into my body.  I am a quick fix type of girl.  Those are not usually healthy good for you foods.  

I am going to try to plan out our meals for the week in just a moment.  Well, after I get done writing this blog post.  

I hate to announce it, but we are back at it again trying to lose weight.  I really want to be successful and change out lives. I want to be SKINNY! Well, what I deem skinny for me.  I want to shop in regular stores.  So I hope and pray this time we stick with it and we preserver through it. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

First Day of School

I had to do the typical first day of school picture of the boys.  They both went this year. Micah is in Pre-K and Levi is in Kindergarden.  I am not sure where time has went but they are both now in school.


I am so proud of them!  My two little men!